A worldview - or even just a single viewpoint - can be associated with a certain aesthetic. Consider different aesthetics, for example, 1) various pride flags, coupled with Corporate Memphis artstyle, 2) Americana aesthetics with US flags, 3) a bunch of pentagrams with an Irish forest in the background, 4) an "enlightened yoga" figure with psychedelic imagery in the background, 5) ancient greek statues depicting muscular and strong men... and others. Aesthetics match certain worldviews or ways of thinking better than others. For instance, aesthetic #1 listed before matches better with a "woke" worldview, #2 matches better with some sort of US patriot worldview, which can be liberal or conservative (e.g. Christian conservatism) depending on the interpretation of historical events, #3 matches better with a Wiccan or some sort of eclectic Neo-Pagan worldview (especially those inspired by ancient Celtic religion(s)), #4 matches with some sort of psychedelic New Age "manifestation", "everything is consciousness", "manifest your desires" kind of worldview, #5 matches with modern Stoicism and so on. Certain worldviews (e.g. Islam) are iconoclast, that means they have little to no iconography (and have the desire of destroying iconography, which is what "iconoclast" means). Still, even iconoclast worldviews can have their own subtle aesthetics. It is possible to match worldviews with aesthetics generally not associated with that worldview, for example, conservative Christianity with a Corporate Memphis aesthetic, for satirical or experimental reasons, but it may be considered unorthodox to do so. In general, worldviews have aesthetics associated with them. This page will explore this relationship more in-depth.
Aesthetics have a visual and textual component. The visual component is made of images, colors, fonts, perhaps even layouts, whereas the textual component consists of the vocabulary used, as well as how the various concepts are framed. For instance, if the text includes "marginalized group" within it, there's a high chance that the worldview is "woke", or, if the text includes "non-Biblical" (especially with a negative connotation), there's a high chance that it's a Christian worldview, or, if the text includes "manifestation" or "law of attraction" or something like that, it's likely some sort of New Age worldview. This is not to say that other worldviews necessarily lack those concepts, just that they may refer to them with different words. In some cases they may indeed lack those concepts. Well, this page will explore it one day. Of course, the lexicon as well as the framing used is part of the aesthetics too, as (rougly) the same meaning can be expressed in different ways depending on one's worldview.