A1: Question
A2: Statement
B1: Real
B1.1: Real event that happened to me
B1.2: My emotion or thought
B1.3: Real event that happened in general
B2: Hypothetical
B3: Fantasy/Surreal
C1: Happy and thoughtful
C2: Happy and carefree
C3: Sad, overwhelmed
C4: Sad and thoughtful
C5: Sad but hopeful
C6: Happy but alert
C7: Beyond sad/happy dychotomy, positive feeling
C8: Excited
C9: Worried
C10: Beyond sad/happy dychotomy, negative feeling
C11: Neutral
C12: In-between
C13: Mixed emotion
C14: Feeling A after feeling B (completely different feeling)
C15: Feeling A has been going on for a while and it's nothing new
C16: use emojis to display your feelings
C17: don't use emojis to display your feelings but display your feelings through other means
C18: don't display your feelings, they're not important
C19: use emojis but not to display your feelings
C20: don't use emojis at all
D1: talking about my emotions
D2: talking about something unrelated to emotions but expressing my emotions explicitly
D3: talking about something unrelated to emotions, emotional tone is expressed but implicit
D4: talking about something unrelated to emotions, emotional tone is as hidden as possible
E1: talking about my emotions
E2: talking about some reflection I had
E3: talking about something that happened to me
E4: talking about something that happened in general
E5: talking about hypothetical stuff
E6: talking about fantasy/surreal stuff
E7: talking about a fictional thing not created by me
E8: talking about a fictional thing created by me
E9: talking about the process of creating fictional things (e.g. drawing, writing stories etc.)
E10: talking about facts (e.g. dinosaurs, history, philosophy etc.)
E11: talking about memories of past experiences (in general)
E12: talking about memories of past experiences (those had with the person in question)
F1: talking about something I often talk about
F2: talking about something I rarely talk about
F3: talking about something I've never talked about before
G1: use the same way of talking, lexicon, punctuation and grammatical structure I always use
G2: use a different way of talking, lexicon, punctuation and grammatical structure that I usually use