Question: what is best to be said (public), and what is best to be unsaid (secret, occult, hidden, private)?

1: All things are best said.
2: Most things are best said, some things are best left unsaid.
3: It's not really a matter of proportion but you should consider what is good to be said or left unsaid based on certain criteria.
4: Most things are best left unsaid, some things are best said.
5: All things are best left unsaid.

Thing X, values:

1: Best left said
2: Best left unsaid
3: Indifferent
4: Better said, but unsaid is also acceptable
5: Better unsaid, but said is also acceptable
6: Better unsaid, said is unacceptable
7: Better said, unsaid is unacceptable

Said/unsaid to whom may also be an important criterion, and the degree of trust you have in that person to not spread that information around. Also, better for whom? For oneself, or for others? There may be some ethics needed to take into consideration.

1: Said publicly (to everyone). NOTE: anything that you upload on the Internet is PUBLIC information. Some people seem to forget that, haha!
2: Said to some people but not others.
3: Said to nobody (only you know about that information, at least, that you're aware of).

Being an over-sharer vs being extremely reserved is a spectrum with many values in-between. Distinction is made of whether one is over-sharer/reserved when it comes to things relating to oneself or when it comes to things related to others.

1: Over-sharer of things related to oneself AND things related to others (basically, someone you should't tell your own secrets to)
2: Over-sharer of things related to oneself but not things related to others
3: Reserved of things related to oneself but over-sharer of things related to others (again, someone you should't tell your own secrets to)
4: Reserved of things related to oneself AND things related to others

There are other options in-between, not just over-sharer and reserved, but the main pattern is "spectrum of oversharer/reserved when it comes to things regarding oneself" + "spectrum of oversharer/reserved when it comes to things regarding others". We have now seen the possible 'values', but let's now see the reasons behind one would attribute such a value to a certain information.

Possible reason to keep something private or to share it: consequentialism. If keeping something private or sharing it brings positive consequences, then you do it. Positive consequences for whom?:

1: For yourself
2: For some other individual.
2.1: *any* individual (you don't care who that is).
2.2: an individual that you "love" (not necessarily in a romantic way... just in the sense of "that you care about")
3: For society at large.
3.1: Even if that means you sacrifice your own happiness or go through some kind of inconvenience.
3.2: But not if that means you have to sacrifice your own happiness etc.
4: Not necessarily for "society at large", but for the advancement of a particular principle, ideal or goal (who (i.e. what human being) benefits exactly may vary, but what (i.e. what abstract concept) benefits from that is a particular principle, ideal or goal... which in some occult interpretations may be elevated to egregore status).

Another factor in this case may be the probability (which may be Bayesian, or some other) that keeping something private or sharing it brings negative consequences. Depending on how risk-averse or risk-taking one is, the threshold may vary. Yet another thing to consider is that one does not necessarily choose "the best" option. For instance, if one choice brings neutral consequences and the other choice brings positive consequences, one may choose the former, despite it not bringing as good of consequences as the latter. One may even actively take the sub-optimal (but still decent) choice, as one may believe that "perfection is the enemy of good" or that there are benefits in choosing an option that is decent but not the best among all options.