In the new text, I'll list the various possible reactions to compliments and insults separately, otherwise I'd have to type in way too many combinations.
1: Make you feel really good
2: Make you feel nothing because they're default or expected
3: They won't change your mood or self-esteem (because of sadness/apathy)
4: They won't change your mood or self-esteem (because you already feel good about yourself anyway)
5: They won't change your mood or self-esteem (because you feel bad about yourself in any case)
6: Will only give you a mild happiness
7: Will annoy you. You don't want to be coddled, because:
7.1: You believe that being coddled will make you weaker/more fragile/insecure and addicted to compliments
7.2: You believe that being coddled means the other person sees you as weak/fragile/insecure and the other person is only complimenting you to provide comfort, comfort that you don't need (either that you actually don't need, or that you need but don't want to admit in order to avoid:
7.2.1: being seen as weak)
7.2.2: actually be/become weak (from the coddling))
8: You don't like a specific compliment you've received, because it's a compliment relative to something you don't care about being good at (you may or may not want to be complimented but not on that particular aspect you've been complimented about). Here's one example: "I'm not cute, I'm cool!". This is when someone wants to be seen in a certain way rather than another way, even though both are "good" (albeit in different ways). This can occur due to aesthetical preferences, for example. There are various "types" of positivity. For example, let's say you go to the gym a lot in order to be seen as "strong", then you may not necessarily appreciate being called "cute" (that can potentially even be offensive, as that is not necessarily how you want to be seen (though it can as well be, of course), even if it's a "compliment")
8.1: That "compliment" has hurt you because while you may understand that a certain adjective or phrase was meant in a good way by those who have used it to describe you, you actually don't want to be seen in that specific way, so you feel in some way invalidated or hurt by that compliment.
Outward reactions to compliments
1: Thanking the complimenter (may or may not involve blushing).
2: Blushing and not saying anything.
3: Unenthusiastic thanking.
4: Denying the compliment ("no, I'm not that good" or something like that).
4.1: Because you genuinely feel that way about yourself.
4.1.1: but still appreciate the intent behind the compliment.
4.1.2: you do not appreciate the intent behind the compliment. you do not appreciate the intent behind the compliment but you do not reply with hostility. you do not appreciate the intent behind the compliment and you reply with at least some hostility.
4.2: You may or may not genuinely feel that way about yourself but the intent is to induce the complimenter to double down and complimenting you again, (e.g. "no, I actually mean it, you're actually that good").
5: ignoring it (for various reasons).
5.1: because you don't like compliments.
5.2: because you don't like that specific compliment (you may or may not want to be complimented but not on that particular aspect you've been complimented about).
6: replying with at least some hostility.
6.x: (same as 5.x)
7: replying with "you're [comparative adjective] than me" e.g. "you're cuter/smarter/etc. than me". This can work with insults as well.
8: acting passively aggressively.
8.1: making sarcastic comments about how good you are.
8.2: (mix between 8 and 7) making sarcastic comments about how better than you the other person is.
9: "I'm not [compliment received], I'm [another good adjective]". E.g. "I'm not cute, I'm cool!". Look at the example of someone who goes to the gym in the list above, at #8.
1: Make you feel really bad
1.1: Self-hatred/low self-esteem
1.2: Hatred towards the person/people who insulted you
1.3: Both lowers your self-esteem and causes you to hate the person/people who insulted you
2: Only give you a mild annoyance/disappointment
3: They won't change your mood or self-esteem (because of sadness/apathy)
4: They won't change your mood or self-esteem (because you feel good about yourself in any case)
5: They won't change your mood or self-esteem (because you already feel bad about yourself anyway)
6: Make you feel nothing because you expect insults already
7: Will give you a positive feeling
7.1: Because you enjoy self-deprecation
7.2: You don't hate yourself but you enjoy seeing other people's reactions
7.2.1: Because you hate those people, and in some way, seeing them hate you/making fun of you is satisfying
7.2.2: You neither hate yourself nor other people, you just think it's funny (in a non-Schadenfreude way) if people insult you/hate you/make fun of you.
7.3: You neither enjoy self-deprecation nor you enjoy seeing other people's reactions, but rather, you believe that receiving insults and mockery will make you stronger, and therefore you either "do not care" if that happens, or you actually actively try to elicit that kind of response in others, with the goal of making yourself "stronger".
7.4: In this approach/logic, you like it when people insult you, because it gives you the feeling that you're not a "tyrant" who tries to shut down disagreement. And so if someone insults you or makes fun of you, it's a reminder to yourself that you're "open-minded" or something, which may cause you satisfaction.
7.5: Here, you like it when someone insults you or makes fun of you, because you believe that insult and mockery may contain a "kernel of truth", which you then intend to use as constructive criticism and improve yourself.
7.5.1: You improve yourself for your own sake/benefit (using the advice hidden within the insults and mockery you receive, as there may actually be something useful in there). That means, other people may not agree that you have improved, or they may say you have improved but still hate you or make fun of you, but that doesn't matter, because pleasing others was not the goal of your self-improvement in the first place.
7.5.2: You improve yourself to please others. Even if you disagree that what you're doing is "improvement". Only if you too agree that what you're doing is "improvement". Your goal in this case is to please others, sure, but not if doing that requires you to go against your own values.
7.6: You may (or may not) feel bad because of an insult, but you may appreciate the insult you received from an artistic perspective, especially if such insult was particularly creative.
7.7: You appreciate that "insult" because while you may understand that a certain adjective or phrase was not meant in a good way by those who have used it to describe you, you actually want to be seen in that specific way, so you feel in some way validated by that insult.
8: you're not hurt by that specific insult because it's not something you're insecure about. Let's say for instance that you are overweight, but you are not insecure about that. Instead, you are insecure about your own personality and you are pretty much a people pleaser, and even the idea of someone feeling hurt or sad because of something you did/said terrifies you, because you dread the idea of hurting anyone. Then, someone saying that you are fat will not hurt you, but if someone says you are "mean" or "insensitive" or "annoying" or something like that will make you feel bad. On the other hand, if you prefer being seen as "badass" or something, and you are insecure about your own weight, if someone said you are mean or insensitive or annoying you won't feel hurt (you may potentially even enjoy it), whereas if someone says you are fat, you'll feel bad about it. So, depending on one's own insecurities, which insults that person is vulnerable to will change.
=== OLD TEXT ===
Possible reactions to insults and compliments (version 0.1)
1: Insults make you feel really bad, compliments make you feel really good
2: Insults make you feel really bad, compliments make you feel nothing because they're default or expected
3: Compliments make you feel really good, insults make you feel nothing because they're default or expected
4: Neither compliments nor insults change your mood or self-esteem (because of sadness/apathy)
5: Neither compliments nor insults change your mood or self-esteem (because you already feel good about yourself anyway).
6: Neither compliments nor insults change your mood or self-esteem (because you feel bad about yourself in any case).
6: Insults make you feel terrible, compliments only give you a mild happiness
7: Compliments make you feel wonderful and very happy, insults only give you a mild annoyance/disappointment
8: Insults don't change your mood or self-esteem at all, compliments only give you a mild happiness
9: Insults don't change your mood or self-esteem at all, compliments make you feel very happy
10: Compliments don't change your mood or self-esteem at all, insults only give you a mild annoyance/disappointment
11: Compliments don't change your mood or self-esteem at all, insults make you feel terrible
-Ratio-dependent reactions:
1: Having 100% of people compliment you makes you feel neutral, having even one person insulting you makes you feel terrible.
2: Having 100% of people compliment you makes you feel a bit comforted but you still feel sad, having even one person insulting you makes you feel terrible.
3: Having 100% of people compliment you makes you feel mildly happy, having even one person insulting you makes you feel terrible.
4: Having 100% of people compliment you makes you feel very happy, having even one person insulting you makes you feel terrible.
5: Having 100% of people compliment you makes you feel [insert one of the feelings above... otherwise this text would be too long if I had to include all of them separately], having one person insult you is not a big deal.
6: Having 100% of people compliment you makes you feel [again, one of the feelings above], having one person insult you doesn't change your mood compared to 100% people complimenting you. It's just one person, after all.
7: Having 100% of people compliment you makes you feel [one of the feelings above], having one person insult you makes you feel satisfied because of (1: "diversity of opinion" or, 2: "it's fine that not everyone likes me, we're all different, after all" or, 3: "I'm awesome since everyone likes me, but listening to that person who dislikes me can give me the opportunity of improving my own faults!" or 4: something else).
8: In order for you to feel happy or have a good self-esteem, at least 90% people should compliment you. Insults are fine if they do not exceed 10% of the people you know.
9: In order for you to feel happy or have a good self-esteem, at least 50% people should compliment you. Insults are fine if they do not exceed 50% of the people you know.
10: It is not the percentage itself that you consider, but you compare your percentage to others. If 85% people compliment you, you feel like you're better than someone who is complimented by 80% of but not as good as someone who is complimented by 90% of people.
11: It is not the percentage itself that you consider, but you take into consideration your relationship with those people, and you do not weigh every compliment and insult equally. A compliment or an insult by someone you know well and is close to you has much more weight than a compliment or insult made by an acquaintance, or someone you don't know well, let alone by a stranger, or someone you don't like.
-Compliments and insults do not affect how you see yourself or others
-Compliments and insults do not affect how you see yourself but they affect how you see others
-Compliments and insults affect how you see yourself but not how you see others
-Compliments and insults affect both how you see yourself and how you see others
Seems like these issues stem from conformism, the desire for one's opinion to fit with that of the majority, or at least, the belief that because something is believed by the majority, then it's somehow "more valid" than a belief you hold that only you have, or few people have.
E.g. (this is a new text): compliments and insults can affect how you see other people (or things). For instance, let's say you use the Internet and you see that a band is disliked by a very large proportion of people, to the extent it's pretty much a consensus (>90%). Will that affect how you see that band? The answer may be either yes/no (binary approach) or a spectrum of in-between values (fuzzy approach). As for the latter, we can say for instance that "1" represents total opinion integrity (can be represented with the element of ice, but this is for a different page... or perhaps even this page but in the future): if you had an opinion of that band before, uh, "reading the comments", then even after reading those overwhelmingly negative comments, your opinion of that band stays exactly the same as before. 0 is absolute lack of integrity (can be represented with the element of water), that is, even if you had an opinion before reading the comments (assuming you allow yourself to have an opinion of your own), after reading those comments your opinion is completely disintegrated and you completely adopt the opinion that you feel is the "consensus", leaving no trace of any prior opinion you may have had. 0.5 is an in-between value where your new opinion on the band after reading the comments is a perfect average of your prior opinion and the "consensus" of others. You may not dislike that band as much as the "consensus" but you'll also not like the band as much as you did before. 0.75 is an in-between value where it's mostly your prior opinion but is somewhat influenced by the comments you have read, 0.25 is an in-between value where it's mostly the "consensus" of others but not fully (some trace of your prior opinion may still be found), and so on. This concept has some relationship with Solomon Asch's conformity experiments