Philosophy of racism

Possible (reasonable?) definitions/forms of racism:

1: Treating individuals differently based on their race, regardless of concepts of superiority or inferiority. Not necessarily better or worse (though it could be as well), but definitely in a different way.
2: Believing that a race (not necessarily one's own) is better or worse than another one, but not necessarily implying a difference in treatment towards individuals.
3: Believing that a race (not necessarily one's own) is better or worse than another one, and treating individuals accordingly.
4: Separatism: believing that no race is inherently better or worse than other ones, but still, wishing for each race to stay only among people of their own race (however 'race' is defined... there can be several different categorizations... more on this later)
5: Genocidialism: believing that only one (or more than one, but still a limited amount) race (however that is defined) has the right to exist (and every other should be killed), either on a specific land (land-specific genocidialism), or across the entire Earth (absolute genocidialism).
6: Believing a race should be treated differently and/or have more/less/different rights than another one, but yet without necessarily believing the races themselves are better/worse/different.

More broad and vague definitions:

1: Believing that at least two races exist (though not necessarily having any normative belief about different treatment between races, or descriptive beliefs about one's race superiority or inferiority)

Silly/inverted/doublespeak definitions:

1: Having any worldview that does not fit within the mainstream media ideology in the USA/western countries in the late 2010's/early 2020's, regardless of whether the views are related to the concept of 'race' or not.
2: Being anti-immigration
3: Being "anti-woke" (regardless of whether the ideas promoted are related to the concept of 'race' or not)
4: Being opposed to "woke authoritarianism"
5: Being opposed to Marxism, Marxism-Leninism, Communism, Socialism or related economic policies
6: Believing that 'races' do not exist, or that the treatment between different 'races' should be equal (example of inverted meaning/doublespeak)
7: "Anyone who does not agree with me [regardless of whether the ideas that are disagreed about are related to the concept of 'race' or not]"
8: (usually defined as "anti-white") believing that it is good (or even just permissible, in some interpretations) for "white" people to have children with "non-white" people. Such "racial mixing" is viewed by some as "white genocide", despite the fact that there is no killing of anyone involved with this practice. This definition is often used by "white purists" (not to be confused with "white supremacists" or "white separatists", they are three different ideologies, despite how the mainstream media often conflates them for propaganda purposes), who want to conserve "the white race" (as to how "white" is defined, some adhere to the definition that the USA government uses, while others might be more strict and only include "people of northern European descent" within the definition). The "anti-black" variant of this term can sometimes be seen used as well. Not to be confused by other words that indicate "anti-black racism" or "anti-white racism" but with a different set of assumptions.

Racial categorizations (there must be AT LEAST TWO different races in one's own racial beliefs in order for one to be racist, it's impossible to be racist with one or zero races):

Three approaches:

1: Someone born in a specific place, regardless of the place of birth of his/her ancestors. The place of birth is what defines one's 'race' in this approach, regardless of ancestry.
2: Someone whose ancestors have been born in a specific place, regardless of the place (s)he was born. Ancestry is what defines one's 'race' in this approach, regardless of place of birth.
3: Mixed approach.

-With 2 races:

2.1: Racial categorization based on skin color alone. 2 different races. White + black. What the US racial categorization calls "asian" is considered "white" in this racial categorization.
2.2: Racial categorization based on the hemisphere of birth. 2 different races. "Northerners" are those who are born in the northern hemisphere, "Southerners" are those who are born in the southern hemisphere. Those who are born exactly at the equator are considered "mixed race", but efforts are made to distinguish the two races whenever possible.

-With 3 races:

3.1: Racial categorization based on skin color alone. 3 different races. White + black + something in-between (like many people in India and Pakistan). 3.2: Racial categorization based on continent of birth. 3 different races. Afro-Eurasians (those who are born in either Africa, Europe or Asia) + Americans (those who are born either in North America or South America) + 'other' (those who are born anywhere else, for example Australia).
3.3: Modified version of the USA racial categorization that merges "white people" and "black people" into one category called "blight people". Asians and Native Americans stay the same. 3 different races.
3.4: Racial categorization based on continent based on ethnicity/ancestry. 3 different races. What the US calls "white" and "black" both belong into one group in this categorization, the "Afro-Eurasians". Native Americans are classified as "Americans", and aborigenous Australians are classified as 'other'.

-With 4 races:

4.1: USA government racial categorization. 4 different races. White + black + asian + native american.
4.2: Race categorization based on continent. 4 different races. North American + Afro-Eurasian + South American + Australian/New-Zealander/Pacific-Islander/Oceanian.

With 5 races:

5.1: Modified version of the USA racial categorization. White + black + arab + asian + native american.
5.2: American (North/Central American & South America) + European + African + Asian + Oceanian (Australian, New Zealander, Pacific Islander etc.)

-With 6 races:

6.1: Racial categorization based on the continent of birth. 6 races: North American, South American, European, African, Asian, Australian/Oceanian/etc.
6.2: Racial categorization based on macro-cultural areas. 6 races: English-speaking world (USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and some others) + Latin-speaking world (South America, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Romania, and some others) + non-Latin Europe (for example Greece, Germany, Scandinavia, Finland, Hungary, Serbia, Poland etc.) + Asia + Africa + Middle East.

-With 7 races:

7.1: North American + South American + European + Asian + Oceanian + Saharan African + Sub-Saharan African
7.2: North American + South American + European + Western Asian + Eastern Asian + Oceanian + African
7.3: North American + South American + Western European + Eastern European + Asian + Oceanian + African

-With 8 races:

8.1: USA/Canadian, Mexican/Central American, South American, European, Arab/Middle Eastern, Asian, African, Australian/Oceanian.
8.2: Macro-cultural areas: English-speaking world (USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and some others) + Latin-speaking world (South America, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Romania, and some others) + non-Latin Europe (for example Greece, Germany, Scandinavia, Finland, Hungary, Serbia, Poland etc.) + Western Asia/Middle East + Eastern Asia + Northern Africa + Western Sub-Saharian Africa + Eastern Sub-Saharian Africa.

-With 10 races:

10.1: No description in particular. 10 different races (by ethnicity and ancestry, not birth in a specific place): Western Europeans, Eastern Europeans, Arabs, non-Arab middle eastern people, sub-saharian africans, eastern asians, south-asians (Indians, Bangladeshi, Pakistani etc.), Russians, Native Americans (both North America and South America), Aborigenous Australians.
10.2: North American + South American + Western European + Eastern European + Saharan African + Western Sub-Saharan African + Eastern Sub-Saharan African + Western Asian + Eastern Asian + Oceanian
10.3: North American + South American + Western European + Eastern European + Arab + Western Sub-Saharan African + Eastern Sub-Saharan African + Western Asian + Eastern Asian + Oceanian
10.4: North American (USA & Canada only) + Central/South-American + Northern European + Southern European + Arab + Sub-Saharan African + Northern Asian (mostly north of 45 °N parallel) + Southern Asian + Oceanian (Australia & New Zealand only) + Oceanian (rest of Oceania)
10.5: North American + South American + Northern European + Southern European + Arab + Western Sub-Saharan African + Eastern Sub-Saharan African + Western Asian + Eastern Asian + Oceanian
10.6: Macro-Cultural areas: Western Americans (western part of North America + wester part of South America), Eastern Americans, Western Europeans, Eastern Europeans, Western Africans, Eastern Africans, Western Asians/Middle-Easterners, Eastern Asian, Western Australians, Eastern Australians
10.7: Macro-Cultural areas: Western Americans (both North and South America) & Western Europeans, Eastern Americans & Eastern Europeans, North-Western Africans, North-Eastern Africans, Western Sub-Saharan Africans, Eastern Sub-Saharan Africans, Western South Africans, Eastern South Africans, Asians, Oceanians

-With 11 races:

11.1: North American + South American + Western European + Eastern European + Western Asian + Eastern Asian + Arab/Middle-Eastern + South Asian (India/Bangladesh/Pakistan/Thailand/etc.) + Western Sub-Saharan African + Eastern Sub-Saharan African + Oceanian

-With 12 races:

12.1: Racial categorization based on continent + western/eastern side of that continent. 12 different races. Western North Americans, Eastern North Americans, Western South Americans, Eastern South Americans, Western Africans, Eastern Africans, Western Europeans, Eastern Europeans, Western Asians, Eastern Asians, Western Australians, Eastern Australians.
12.2: Racial categorization based on continent + northern/southern side of that continent. Canadians/USA + (rest of) North-Americans + South America (except Argentina/Chile/Uruguay) + Argentina/Chile/Uruguay + Northern European + Southern European + Northern Asian + Southern Asian + Saharan African + Sub-Saharan African + Australian/NZ + (rest of) Oceanian

-With 14 races:

14.1: Racial categorizations based on the latitude someone is born at, a different race every 10 degrees of latitude. 14 different races. Between 70 °N and 80 °N, 60-70 °N, 50-60 °N, 40-50 °N, 30-40 °N, 20-30 °N, 10-20 °N, 0-10 °N, 0-10 °S, 10-20 °S, 20-30 °S, 30-40 °S, 40-50 °S, 50-60 °S.

-With 16 races:

16.1: Continent/macro-cultural/USA-racial hybrid ("American" here means USA or Canadian): "White" American, "Black" American, "Asian" American, Native American, Central American, South American, Western European, Eastern European, Northern African/Arab, Sub-Saharan African, South African, Middle Eastern/Central Asian, South/South-Eastern Asian (e.g. Pakistan/India/Bangladesh/Thailand/Vietnam/Indonesia/Malaysia/etc.), Eastern Asian, Australia/New Zealand.

-With 24 races:

24.1: Racial categorizations based on continent + north-west/north-east/south-west/south-east sides of those continents. So... 24 different races.

8 billion races:

8000000000.1: Individualism. About 8 billion different races. Every person is its own race.

Unknown/variable number of races:

?.1: Racial categorization based on skin color alone. 4 or more different races, ranging from white then gradually moving towards black (or vice-versa... same thing... "direction" is arbitrary)
?.2: Racial categorization based on the country of birth. About 150+ different races.
?.3: Racial categorization based on country subdivisions. Maybe several thousand different races?
?.4: Temperaturist racism: racial categorization based on the temperatures of the place someone was born in. Varying number of races depending on the categorization. Isotherm walls might be built to prevent immigration from disliked races.
?.5: Alcohoracism: racial categorization based on how much alcohol per capita the people of the place someone was born in drink on average. Varying number of races depending on the categorization.

Racism implemented by:

1: A minority of individuals
2: The majority of individuals
3: The government
4: A minority of individuals AND the government
5: The majority of individuals AND the government
6: Individuals mostly from specific race(s) are racists, but others mostly aren't.
7: A divine law from one or more gods
8: Criminals (in places where racial discrimination is illegal)
9: Artificial intelligence (in dystopian futuristic settings)
10: Individuals mostly from specific ideology(-ies) are racists, but others mostly aren't.
11: The richest people in society (the poorer, the less they tend to be racist)
12: The poorest people in society (the richer, the less they tend to be racist)
13: Time-specific variation, WHO exactly implements it varies by time (e.g. season, year, holy/unholy days/years, results of war, moon cycles, weather etc.)

Racism implemented in these aspects/forms:

1: Social/cultural racism (e.g. I don't want to be friends with this person because they belong to a race I don't like)
2: Institutional racism (e.g. I won't assume that person as an employee, or, I won't let that person eat at the restaurant I own, because they belong to a race I don't like)
3: Governmental/penal/legal racism (e.g. people of certain race(s) are, explicitly by law, punished more or less severely, if at all)
4: Segregation
4.1: Physical Segregation
4.2: Cultural Segregation
4.3: Both physical and cultural segregation
5: Economical racism: people of certain race(s) are intentionally paid less and/or have to pay more for the same service, not by coincidence, but by explicit written laws.
6: Economical racism (wealth cap): people of certain race(s) are paid the same and have to pay the same as the other races to buy something or pay for some services, but they have a wealth cap and therefore they cannot have more than a specific amount of money and/or material possessions.
7: Social/cultural racism (loss of privileges): people of certain race(s) lack certain privileges that the other races have, such as, for example, being able to have homosexual sex, marrying multiple wives/husbands, driving a car, entering certain areas etc
8: Anti-miscegenation laws: people of "different races" (however the "races" are defined) are not allowed to have kids from each other.

Relationship with the divine:

-Atheist society:

Observation: atheism is the simplest among all theisms. Since there are no gods, there is also no relationship between society and the gods.

0.1: Atheist society. Racism arises for cultural reasons, as there is no god that can say anything in that society.
0.2: Atheist society which is not racist.

-Monotheist society:

Observation: monotheism is more complex than atheism, but less complex than duotheism or polytheism.

1.1: Monotheist society. Racism arises for cultural reasons, and the One God said nothing about racism, and is not a command from God.
1.2: Monotheist society. The One God said nothing about racism, and the society is not racist.
1.3: Monotheist society. Racism arises for cultural reasons, and the One God commands against racism, but the population has rebelled towards that particular view.
1.3.1: The population is racist, not because their goal is to oppose the command of the One God, but because they genuinely believe racism is a good idea, regardless of what the One God says about it.
1.3.2: The population is racist, not because they genuinely believe it's a good idea, but because they want to oppose the command of the One God, regardless of what they (the society) believe about racism.
1.4: Monotheist society. The One God commands against racism, and the population obeys (so it's not a racist society).
1.4.1: The population obeys not because they want to obey to the One God at all costs, but because they genuinely believe racism is a bad idea, regardless of what the One God says about it.
1.4.2: The population obeys not because they genuinely believe racism is a bad idea, but because they want to obey to the One God at all costs, regardless of what they (the society) believe about racism.
1.5: Monotheist society. Racism arises because the One God has commanded people to be racist (either in general, or in a specific way), and the population obeys.
1.5.1: The population obeys not because they want to obey to the One God at all costs, but because they genuinely believe racism is a good idea, regardless of what the One God says about it.
1.5.2: The population obeys not because they genuinely believe racism is a good idea, but because they want to obey to the One God at all costs, regardless of what they (the society) believe about racism.
1.6: Monotheist society. The One God commanded people to be racist, but the population rebels against that one god, and so it's not a racist society.
1.6.1: The population is not racist, not because their goal is to oppose the command of the One God, but because they genuinely believe racism is a bad idea, regardless of what the One God says about it.
1.6.2: The population is not racist, not because they genuinely believe it's a bad idea, but because they want to oppose the command of the One God, regardless of what they (the society) believe about racism.

-Duotheist society:

Observation: duotheism is more complex than monotheism and atheism, but less complex than polytheism.

2.1: Duotheist society: both gods are ambivalent about racism. Racism arises for cultural reasons.
2.2: Duotheist society: one god commands racism and the other is ambivalent about it, and therefore, the population is racist.
2.2.1: The population is racist because they believe racism is a good idea, the reason has nothing to do with pleasing any deity.
2.2.2: The population is racist because they want to be in good relationship with the divine, the reason has nothing to do with genuinely agreeing with the divine about racism.
2.3: Duotheist society: one god commands against racism and the other is ambivalent about it, and the population is racist and mostly follows the ambivalent god.
2.4: Duotheist society: one god commands racism and the other god commands against racism. The population is racist and mostly follows the god that commands racism.
2.5: Duotheist society: both gods command racism, and so the population is racist because they follow a command that both gods share in common with each other.
2.5.1: The population is racist because they believe racism is a good idea, the reason has nothing to do with pleasing any deity.
2.5.2: The population is racist because they want to be in good relationship with the divine, the reason has nothing to do with genuinely agreeing with the divine about racism.
2.6: Duotheist society: both gods command against racism, but the population decides to rebel against that specific view, and is racist anyway.
2.6.1: Society rebels against the gods because they genuinely disagree with the gods, not merely for the sake of rebelling against the gods.
2.6.2: Society rebels against the gods merely for the sake of rebelling against the gods, not because they genuinely disagree with the gods.
2.7: Duotheist society: both gods are ambivalent about racism. The population is not racist.
2.8: Duotheist society: one god commands racism and the other is ambivalent about it, and the population follows the ambivalent god so that they can avoid being racist, and they are not racist.
2.9: Duotheist society: one god commands against racism and the other is ambivalent about it, and the population is not racist.
2.10: Duotheist society: one god commands racism and the other god commands against racism. The population is not racist and mostly follows the god that commands against racism.
2.11: Duotheist society: both gods command racism, but the population decides to rebel against that specific view, and is not racist.
2.11.1: Society rebels against the gods because they genuinely disagree with the gods, not merely for the sake of rebelling against the gods.
2.11.2: Society rebels against the gods merely for the sake of rebelling against the gods, not because they genuinely disagree with the gods.
2.12: Duotheist society: both gods command against racism, and the population obeys them and is not racist.
2.12.1: Society obeys the gods because they genuinely agree with the gods, not merely for the sake of obeying the gods.
2.12.2: Society obeys the gods not because they genuinely agree with the gods, but merely for the sake of obeying the gods.

-Polytheist society:

Observation: Polytheism is the most complex among all theisms, the combinations of what a polytheistic society can be are potentially infinite. This 'table' is therefore, very limited, because writing a 'complete' 'table' of all polytheistic combinations is impossible, it would be literally infinite.

Polytheistic society is (A):

A1: Racist
A2: Non-racist

What the gods say (B) (implies there is some clear agreement among the gods):

B1: The gods command for racism
B2: The gods command against racism
B3: The gods don't command anything in particular regarding racism

Relationship between a society's racism and what the gods say (C)

C1: The population obeys the command of the gods out of fear
C2: The population obeys the command of the gods out of respect
C3: The population already wanted to be like that (either racist or non-racist), that what the gods command is the same is just a coincidence
C4: The gods don't command anything in particular regarding racism, so the population chooses, not the gods.
C5: The population disobeys the command of the gods.

When the gods disagree among each other (D) (implies all gods are equal in validity and strength):

D1: Almost all gods agree with one choice (either for or against racism), only a few gods disagree (opposite opinion or neutrality)
D2: Most gods agree with one choice (either for or against racism), the minority of gods disagree (opposite opinion or neutrality)
D3: An equal number of gods agree with one choice (either for or against racism) and an equal number disagree (opposite opinion or neutrality)
D4: Almost all gods are neutral about racism, only a few gods say something about it (either for or against racism)
D5: Most gods are neutral about racism, the minority of gods say something about it (either for or against racism)
D6: An equal number of gods are neutral about racism, and an equal number say something about it (either for or against racism)

Relationship between a society's racism and what the gods say when there is disagreement among the gods (E):

E1: Monocultural society: society does whatever they prefer regardless of what the gods say or how many gods say something
E2: Monocultural society: society obeys what the majority of the gods say.
E2.1: If the majority of the gods is neutral about racism, then society does whatever they prefer.
E2.2: If the majority of the gods is neutral about racism, then society considers what the majority of the gods who DO say something about racism say.
E2.3: If there is an equal number of gods commanding for racism and an equal number commanding against racism:
E2.3.1: The society does whatever they prefer.
E2.3.2: They are racist because they believe racism is more holy.
E2.3.3: They are not racist, because they believe lack of racism is more holy.
E2.4: Monocultural society: society obeys whatever the minority of the gods say. Why?
E2.4.1: They believe that being the majority has corrupted those gods who all agree with that notion. They believe it's always the minority, among humans and gods alike, that has wisdom.
E2.4.2: They believe that humans are inferior to the gods, and that therefore they should be humble and follow what a lesser amount of gods decides, because following the path of a high amount of gods equals to arrogance and a sense of superiority, almost as if they want to become like those gods.
E2.5: Multicultural society: each culture decides which (if any) divine guidance to follow.
E2.5.1: The majority of people should follow that most gods say, and the minority of people should follow what the minority of gods say. That is done to ensure harmony between the world of the humans and the world of the gods.
E2.5.2: Another belief about ensuring harmony between the world of the humans and the world of the gods could be the opposite: the majority of the people should follow what the minority of the gods say, and the minority of the people should follow what the majority of the gods say.
E2.5.3: Each culture freely chooses which (if any) divine guidance to follow, not considering whether something is the majority or the minority.
E2.5.3.1: They believe their decision is their own, and not associate their decision to any god.
E2.5.3.2: They believe their decision reflects the decision of some gods, and they might associate their own culture to one or more gods that has the same opinion about racism as that culture does.

When the gods disagree among each other AND there is a difference in validity and/or strength (F):

Paradigm (P) 1: All gods, regardless of their validity/strength, agree that racism is [either good or bad].

P1F1: Monocultural society: society does whatever they prefer regardless of what the gods say or how many gods say something or how strong those gods are.
P1F1.1: Monocultural society. Society does whatever they prefer regardless of what the gods say etc. they do happen to do the same thing the gods requested, but they do that because they genuinely think it's the better option, not because the gods say so.
P1F2: Monocultural society. Society decides to respect the will of the gods, therefore they do as the gods command.
P1F3: Monocultural society. Society decides to rebel against the gods, and do the opposite as they command.
P1F3.1: Monocultural society. Society decides to rebel against the gods just for the sake of rebelling against the gods. Even if society agreed with the gods, they would still rebel against the gods, because that has higher priority than doing what they think is best.
P1F3.2: Monocultural society. Society decides to rebel against the gods, not for its own sake, but because they genuinely disagree with the gods.
P1F4: Bicultural/multicultural society. Two or more cultures (of varying social classes/prevalence) that can be a combination of any of the above.

Paradigm (P) 2: The most powerful gods have an opinion about racism [either good or bad], and the weakest gods have no opinion about that.

P2F1: Monocultural society. Society does whatever they prefer regardless of what the gods say or how many gods say something or how strong those gods are.
P2F1.1: Monocultural society. Society does whatever they prefer regardless of what the gods say etc. they do happen to do the same thing the most powerful gods requested, but they do that because they genuinely think it's the better option, not because those gods say so.
P2F1.2: Monocultural society. Society does whatever they prefer regardless of what the gods say etc. they do happen to do the same thing the weakest gods requested, but they do that because they genuinely think it's the better option, not because those gods say so.
P2F2: Monocultural society. Society decides to respect the will of the most powerful gods.
P2F3: Monocultural society. Society decides to respect the will of the weakest gods.
P2F3.1: Society decides to respect the will of the weakest gods, because trying to respect the will of the most powerful gods is seen as hubris, arrogance, as trying to be like the most powerful gods. As the weakest gods are seen as closer to humankind compared to the more powerful gods, that's what humankind should follow, in this view. The most powerful gods only hang around among themselves and don't interact with humankind. Because the weakest gods have not expressed an opinion about racism, society does whatever they want.
P2F3.2: Society decides to respect the will of the weakest gods, not because they are the weakest gods, but because, in this paradigm, they are the gods who have expressed no opinion on this issue, therefore granting society more freedom. It is believed, therefore, that the better choice is to follow the gods that give more freedom to humans, regardless of their strength and/or validity. Such an allegiance has the symbolic meaning of choosing freedom over tyranny, and is seen as a praise towards the gods that allow freedom to humans.
P2F4: Monocultural society. Society does the opposite of whatever the most powerful gods command.
P2F4.1: Society does the opposite of whatever the most powerful gods command, not because they think society's own opinion about racism is good, but for the sake of rebelling against the gods.
P2F4.1.1: For the sake of rebelling against the gods in general.
P2F4.1.2: For the sake of rebelling against the most powerful gods. Society feels no need to rebel against the weakest gods.
P2F4.2: Because they think their own opinion about racism is good, so the goal is not to rebel against the gods per se, the goal is to practice (or not practice) racism in the way society prefers.
P2F5: Bicultural/multicultural society. Two or more cultures (of varying social classes/prevalence) that can be a combination of any of the above.

Paradigm (3): The most powerful gods have no opinion about racism, the weakest gods have one [either good or bad].

P3F1: Monocultural society. Society does whatever they prefer regardless of what the gods say or how many gods say something or how strong those gods are. That the most powerful gods give no opinion about racism is just a coincidence, society wouldn't had cared about the gods' opinions anyway.
P3F2: Monocultural society which decides to respect the will of the most powerful gods, therefore they do whatever they want when it comes to racism.
P3F3: Monocultural society which decides to respect the will of the weakest gods.
(...) (same as paradigm 2 for the most part)

Paradigm (4): Bicultural/multicultural society where two or more cultures have differing beliefs in regard to divine opinions about racism.

P4F1: there is disagreement over what the most powerful gods say about racism, but agreement that the opinion of the most powerful gods is the one that should be followed
P4F1.1: a civil war breaks out, and the winners get to decide who is right about what the most powerful gods say about racism
P4F1.2: there is agreement on who the most important shamans of the society are, and society asks them to know what the most powerful gods say about racism
P4F1.2.1: there is agreement among the most important shamans on what the most powerful gods say about racism
P4F1.2.2: there is disagreement among the most important shamans on what the most powerful gods say about racism
P4F1.2.2.1: there is a physical conflict among the shamans in order to determine who is right (for example a sword duel, fighting until death... the surviving shaman(s) is/are correct about what the most powerful gods say about racism).
P4F1.2.2.2: there is an intellectual type of competition among the shamans in order to determine who is right
P4F1.2.2.3: there is a olympic event among the shamans in order to determine who is right (the winner of the olympic event means (s)he's right about what the most powerful gods say about racism)
P4F1.3: the majority of people (regardless of their social status/wealth) gets to decide who is right about what the most powerful gods say about racism
P4F1.4: society (however, the higher their social status/wealth, the more influential their opinion is) gets to decide what the most powerful gods say about racism
P4F1.5: freedom: the people who believe the most powerful gods command racism will be racist, those who believe that the most powerful gods are silent about racism, will do whatever they want, and those who believe that the most powerful gods prohibit racism, will not be racist (or will be against racism).
P4F1.5.1: freedom with segregation: people will basically choose whether to be or not to be racists, depending on what they believe the most powerful gods say about racism. However, the various groups will be segregated among themselves, only interacting with people who have their own beliefs about racism and what the most powerful gods say about it.
P4F1.5.2: freedom without segregation. There will be differences in opinions over what the most powerful gods say. However, there will still be social interaction between the people of differing beliefs.
P4F1.6: there is an olympic event, and the winners will get to decide what the most powerful gods say about racism.
P4F2: there is agreement over what the most powerful gods say about racism, but disagreement that the opinion of the most powerful gods is the one that should be followed (e.g. compared to the opinion of the least powerful gods).
P4F2.1: edict made by the ruler(s) of the society. Those who decide to follow the opinion of the most powerful gods, will be awarded with a more powerful position in society. Those who decide to follow the opinion of the least powerful gods, will be punished by confering them a low social status, and will be made to pay a harsh punitive tax, so that they can understand that those who follow the opinion of the least powerful gods, will be the least powerful among the mortals, and those who follow the opinion of the most powerful gods, will be the most powerful among the mortals. A sort of divine reflection into the world of the mortals, a sort of balance between the divine world and the world of the mortals.
P4F2.2: edict made by the ruler(s) of the society. Opposite of the previous one. Those who decide to follow the opinion of the least powerful gods, will be awarded with a more powerful position in society. Those who decide to follow the opinion of the most powerful gods, will be punished by confering them a low social status, and will be made to pay a harsh punitive tax, so that they can understand that those who follow the opinion of the least powerful gods, will be the most powerful among the mortals, and those who follow the opinion of the most powerful gods, will be the least powerful among the mortals. A sort of divine reflection into the world of the mortals, a sort of balance between the divine world and the world of the mortals, by stressing the fact that the gods are unlike the mortals, and that their condition is opposite/inverse to that of the mortals.
P4F2.3: civil war breaks out. The winners will get to decide whether the opinion of the most powerful gods, or the opinion of the least powerful gods is that which should be followed.
P4F2.4: an olympic event will estabilish the winners, which they'll be the ones who get to decide whether to follow the opinion of the most powerful gods, or that of the least powerful gods.
P4F3: there is disagreement both over what the most powerful gods say, and also over whether the opinion of the most powerful gods, or the least powerful gods should be followed.


Possible biases:

1: someone is being treated equally to another race, and it's interpreted as:
1.1: that person is being treated equally
1.2: that person is being treated worse (the bias, more or less conscious, consists in demanding better treatment because of one's race)
1.3: that person is being treated better (the bias, more or less conscious, consists in demanding worse treatment or higher expectations towards that person because of that person's race)
2: someone is being treated worse than another race, and it's interpreted as:
2.1: that person is being treated equally (the bias, more or less conscious, consists in demanding worse treatment or higher expectations towards that person because of that person's race)
2.2: that person is being treated worse
2.3: that person is being treated better (a more extreme bias that consists in demanding worse treatment for that person because of that person's race)
3: someone is being treated better than another race, and it's interpreted as:
3.1: that person is being treated equally (the bias, more or less conscious, consists in demanding better treatment because of one's race)
3.2: that person is being treated worse (a more extreme bias that consists in demanding better treatment for that person because of that person's race)
3.3: that person is being treated better
4: Someone is being treated better for their race, because the person who is doing the better-treatment admires that race.
5: Someone is being treated better for their race, but the person who is doing the better-treatment actually hates/dislikes that race and is doing so only to prove that he/she's not a racist (in a society where racism is generally unpopular).
6: Someone is being treated worse for their race, because the person who is doing the worse-treatment hates/dislikes that race.
7: Someone is being treated worse for their race, but the person who is doing the better-treatment either doesn't care about race, or even admires/likes that race, and is doing the worse-treatment only because it's popular in that society to either hate that specific race, or to be racist in general, and it's unpopular to either admire/like/tolerate that race, or being non-racist in general.


1: Being friends with people based on behavior and not on race
2A: Relative racism: being friends more easily with someone (e.g. tolerating behaviors that would not be tolerated by another race) or less easily (lacking tolerance towards behaviors that would be tolerated by another race):
2A1: Someone is being treated better for their race, because the person who is doing the better-treatment admires that race.
2A2: Someone is being treated better for their race, but the person who is doing the better-treatment actually hates/dislikes that race and is doing so only to prove that he/she's not a racist (in a society where racism is generally unpopular).
2A3: Someone is being treated worse for their race, because the person who is doing the worse-treatment hates/dislikes that race.
2A4: Someone is being treated worse for their race, but the person who is doing the better-treatment either doesn't care about race, or even admires/likes that race, and is doing the worse-treatment only because it's popular in that society to either hate that specific race, or to be racist in general, and it's unpopular to either admire/like/tolerate that race, or being non-racist in general.
2B: Absolute racism: categorically refusing to be friends with someone of:
2.1: with the 'same' race
2.2: with a 'different' race
2.3: with an 'advantaged' race
2.4: with a 'disadvantaged' race
2.5: which 'race' depends on time-specific variables:

Time-specific racism, racism is applied:

1: Always
2: Only during full moon
3: Racism towards one race during full moon and towards another race during new moon
4: Only during solstices and equinoxes (the race targeted might be always the same or it can rotate cyclically)
5: Only during leap years
6: Only during certain seasons (e.g. summer or winter)
7: Only during non-sacred years (which years are sacred or non-sacred is judged by:
7.1: Society (democratic vote)
7.2: The government
7.3: The richest people in the society
7.4: The most important shamans who can communicate with the gods
7.5: Tradition
7.6: Artificial intelligence
7.7: Etc.)
8: When one or more specific races are, on average, way richer or poorer than others. There could be 'eras' or 'epochs' being implemented to know exactly when a racist policy is going to be applied.
9: Ultra-dictatorship: whoever gets in power decides if the population will be racist or not. And if it will be racist, IN WHICH MANNER it will be racist.

Number of race categorizations:

1: Only one, and every racist agrees with it
2: Only one (officially recognized), almost every racist agrees with it
3: Only one (officially recognized), most racists agree with it
4: Only one (officially recognized), most racists don't agree with it, and use a different (or several different) categorization(s) of their own
5: Two (officially recognized), racists can freely choose which one to believe in
6: Two (officially recognized), racists cannot freely choose which one to believe in, they are commanded by the government to believe in a specific one, either for the rest of their lives, or for a specific time period
7: Two (officially recognized), racists cannot freely choose which one to believe in, there is only one active racial categorization used at any given time, and it can depend, for example, on whether a year is sacred or not, or depends on moon phases, seasons etc.
8: Three or more (officially recognized), racists can freely choose which one to believe in
9: Three or more (officially recognized), racists cannot freely choose which one to believe in, they are commanded by the government to believe in a specific one, either for the rest of their lives, or for a specific time period
10: Three or more (officially recognized), racists cannot freely choose which one to believe in, there is only one active racial categorization used at any given time, and it can depend, for example, on the level of sacredness of a certain year, or depends on moon phases, seasons etc.
Note: Criminals might use a different categorization than law-abiding citizens. Criminals might use a non-recognized (or forbidden) racial classification, for various purposes.
11: Two or more, but none of them officially recognized, with no agreed standards. Which one(s) to use? Chaos mostly prevails.

Individual opinion towards racism:

1: They are not racists themselves, but they're not against racism done by other people, even if it targets them negatively
2: They are not racists themselves, but they're not against racism done by other people, as long as they're not the ones being negatively discriminated against
3: They are not racists themselves and they're against racism done by other people too, in any circumstance
4: They are racists but they disagree on the official racial categorization, and use a different one (might be criminals if the government bans that specific racial categorization)
5: They are racists and they agree with the official racial categorization but they disagree with the government on which races are better or worse
6: They are racists but only during full moon, regardless of what the government prescribes
7: They are racists and fully agree with what the government (and/or the mainstream media) says about race.

---If the individual opinion differs from that which is legally required:

1: They are willing to die for their worldview
2: They are willing to get to jail for their worldview, but not die
3: They are willing to get to jail and/or die for their worldview only if their worldview is extremely different from the one which is legally required. If the disagreement consists of a minor detail or trivial difference, they will conform to the legally required racist worldview, as it's better to slightly change one's worldview compared to get in jail or executed.
4: They are willing to get to jail and/or die even for very minor differences over their own worldview and the legally required one.
5: They are neither willing to get to jail nor die, they will conform to avoid the harsh wrath of the law.
6: They will conform publicly, but deep inside, privately, they will not believe in the legally required worldview.
7: They will conform publicly and will also genuinely believe in the legally required worldview.
8: They will conform publicly, but deep inside, privately, they will not believe in the legally required worldview, and they might confess that to perhaps two or three very close friends or otherwise trusted people.

What people do if they use a different racial categorization from each other:

1: Try to kill each other. The one(s) that survive(s) (if anyone does in fact survive) will be able to impose their own racial categorization on anyone else they wish.
2: Use a racia franca that is valid whenever two people use a different racial categorization... kinda like English is de-facto the lingua franca on Earth right now.
3: Every racial categorization has its place in a hierarchy determined by the government or by general consensus. The racial classification higher in the hierarchy will prevail among the two or more conflicting racial categorizations.
4: Whoever pays more money to the other person/people will be able to use the racial categorization of his/her/their own choice.
5: Use a racia franca... however, unlike scenario 2, in scenario 5 (this one) the racia franca is time-specific. For example there might be a summer racia franca, winter racia franca, full moon racia franca (which prevails over the season-dependant racia francas) etc.
6: Syncretism: create a racial categorization that is a consensus mix between the two or more racial categorizations that are being proposed by various people or groups.
7: Play dice, poker, rock-paper-scissors, or some other game like that to determine which racial categorization will be used.

Why individual racist mentality might arise:

1: They got brainwashed by what 'society' says
2: They got brainwashed by what 'state propaganda' (or 'mainstream media', in cases where the state itself does not have direct control of the media).
3: They have had bad experiences with people of a certain 'race' (however that is defined) and they generalized.
4: They have heard about bad experiences about a certain 'race' while watching state propaganda/mainstream media and generalized.
5: The belief is not about behavior or qualities about certain 'races', but society/state propaganda/mainstream media brainwashes people to believe in some kind of inherent 'superiority' or 'inferiority' of certain 'races', either:
5.1: cultural superiority
5.2: biological superiority
5.3: both cultural and biological superiority
6: They might not believe that any 'race' is 'superior' or 'inferior', just 'different', and they might think separatism would be the wisest choice for everyone. Either state propaganda, mainstream media, brainwashing by 'society', or it could also be a conclusion reached independently (especially in a society where being racist is frowned upon), or reached by watching some fringe media.
7: They are not racist personally, but they have to pretend to be racists because of the fear of jail or capital punishment by the government if they are caught being non-racists.