Before the creation of the world, there were three gods: the self-sacrificed god, the designer god, and the demiurge. One day, they decided to create the world (or the Universe, as a reader from the 21st century may feel more comfortable with). There needed to be a substance, something to create the world from. The self-sacrificed god decided to sacrifice itself, its dead body would be the substance with which the world could be created. The god killed itself, and it was up to the designer and the demiurge now to create the world. The designer was malevolent, extremely powerful, but with poor awareness/knowledge. The demiurge was benevolent, extremely intelligent/aware, quasi-omniscient, but was weak. The designer said that the world should only contain pain, suffering and negativity, while the demiurge wanted everyone to be constantly happy. The designer gave the demiurge instructions on how to model the world, full of pain and suffering, but the demiurge disobeyed, and it modelled the world to include happiness and pleasure as well. Since the designer has poor awareness and knowledge, to this day it still does not know that the world includes happiness and pleasure. The amount of happiness and pleasure in this world is the maximum it can be, if there was any more happiness and pleasure than this, the designer would notice about it, it would kill the demiurge and bring a world to a state of total suffering. So, this is the best the world can be, considering which entities have created (according to this myth) the world.