Weird idea I just had. "Islamoid Polytheism". That means, a form of Polytheism that is as similar to Islam as possible. I find this idea very fascinating since Islam is extremely hostile towards Polytheism.

Islamoid Polytheism:

-99 Gods (like the 99 names of Allah)
-Death penalty for homosexuality
-Death penalty for apostasy (in this case, "apostasy" is defined as "abandoning the submission towards the pantheon of the 99 deities")
-Women have no rights
-If you don't submit to the pantheon of 99 gods you'll burn in hell forever in afterlife, tortured forever by those 99 gods simultaneously.
-Muslims (and anyone who is not an Islamoid Polytheist, tbh) are considered "infidels", "impious" and "blasphemers" since they submit to a god not found among the pantheon of 99 gods, and they deny the existence of all 99 gods of the Islamoid pantheon.
-None of the 99 gods are pro-LGBT or feminists
-Alcohol is forbidden
-Eating pork is forbidden
-Pilgrimage to [some place, I guess] is mandatory and one of the pillars of Islamoid Polytheism
-Praying 5 times a day to the gods is mandatory
-Iconography is forbidden. It's blasphemous to draw or depict the gods in any way.
-Theft is punished by cutting the hands of the thief.
-Female rape victims are to be stoned to death
-Sex before or outside of marriage is forbidden
-Music is either forbidden, or just frowned upon (in the more "liberal" versions of Islamoid Polytheism).
-The gods have no moral diversity, they all agree with the same moral rules. Their differences are what the gods and goddesses represent. For example, god of fire, god of death, life, afterlife, fire, water, ice, wind, thunder, war, abundance, goddess of the Moon, fertility, Sun etc.
-Fasting during Ramadan is mandatory.