Attitudes towards sex:


1: Liberal
2: Moderate
3: Strict

Liberal/moderate/strict for whom?

1: Distinction between ages
2: Distinction between genders
3: Distinction between social classes
4: Distinction between sexual orientations

Enforcement type:

1: Individual
2: Societal
3: Legal/statal/penal/coercive/punitive

Homosexuality (same-sex relationship):

1: Punished with death
2: Punished with jail
3: Punished with corporal punishment
4: Punished with economic sanctions
5: Punished with social ostracism
6: Punished with exile
7: Allowed but ridiculed
8: Allowed but discouraged
9: Allowed only between certain social classes
-9.1: Allowed only between the highest classes (e.g. royal classes, government, authorities, wealthy people)
-9.2: Allowed only between the lowest classes (e.g. slaves, poor people, social outcasts, prisoners, exiled people)
-9.3: Allowed in all social classes, but only between the same social class (however "same" social class is defined)
10: Allowed only in certain circumstances
-10.1: Allowed only between homosexuals (bisexuality is forbidden, one must "choose" between homosexuality and heterosexuality and stick to it for the rest of their lives)
-10.2: Allowed only during specific times (e.g. winter, full moon, specific days or specific years)
11: Allowed only between consensual 'adults' (definitions of 'adult'):
-11.1 Age-dependant definitions:
-11.1.1 11+
-11.1.2 13+
-11.1.3 16+
-11.1.4 18+
-11.1.5 20+
-11.2 Post-puberty
-11.3 After successfully passing the middle school exams
-11.4 After successfully passing the high school exams
-11.5 After successfully passing the sexual understanding exams
-11.6 After successfully passing an adulthood-initiatory rite (such as hunting and killing an animal for the first time, or other rites)
12: Mandatory i.e. it is mandatory to have at least one homosexual relationship in one's life, regardless of other relationships
13: Mandatory i.e. it is mandatory for those who have had at least one relationship in their lives, to have at least one homosexual relationship
14: Mandatory for the first sexual relationship i.e. it is mandatory that the first sexual relationship of one's life is homosexual, the next ones can be freely chosen.

Heterosexuality (opposite gender relationships):

---Full-time permits (regardless of seasons, days, years, full-moons, festivities, zodiac ages etc.):

1: Allowed only to reproduce. Only between married couples.
2: Allowed only to reproduce, but between anyone (even strangers) is fine, as long as it's for reproductive purposes.
3: Allowed only between married couples. Even for non-reproductive purposes. Unmarried sex even is banned even for reproduction.
4: Allowed only between married couples, OR between anyone (even strangers), but in the second case, only for reproduction.
5: Allowed full-time for married couples, allowed only certain times (e.g. in certain moon phases, seasons, days, years etc.) for unmarried couples.
6: Allowed both for married and unmarried couples full-time, but polyamory is prohibited (or socially discouraged) in both cases.
7: Mandatory at least once for married couples (at least once in the 30 days after marriage, sex is mandatory, failing to have sex at least once in the 30 days after marriage is punishable for both), optional for unmarried couples.
-7.1: Polyamory is prohibited for both married and unmarried couples.
-7.2: Polyamory is prohibited for married couples but allowed for unmarried couples.
-7.3: Polyamory is allowed for both married and unmarried couples.
-7.4: Polyamory is allowed for married couples but prohibited for unmarried couples.
8: Allowed (optional) for both married and unmarried couples.

---Time-variable permits: permits may change according to:

1: Seasons
2: Specific holy/unholy days
3: Specific holy/unholy years
4: Moon phases
5: Festivity periods
6: Zodiac ages
7: Natural disasters
8: War results (victory/defeat/etc.)
9: Weather


1: Allowed for 'adults' (for definitions of 'adult', see homosexuality section 11) to see it for their own decision
2: Allowed for everyone to see it for their own decision
3: Allowed for every 'adult' to suggest another 'adult' to see porn
4: Allowed for anyone to suggest anyone else to see porn
5: Allowed to see it for one's own decision, but prohibited to suggest someone else see it
6: Allowed to see it for one's own decision AND allowed to suggest someone else see it, but prohibited to insist or force anyone else to see it
7: Mandatory to see porn at least once in their lives (e.g. in the 30 days following one's 'adulthood', however 'adulthood' is defined)
8: Mandatory to see porn at least once a year
9: Mandatory to see porn at least once a month
10: Students are forced to watch porn in mandatory 'porn watching classes'. They will also make exams with answers to check their understandings of porn.
11: Mandatory to see porn [at least once in their lives OR at least once a year OR at least once a month], but can be exempt from this law through punitive taxation.
12: Mandatory to watch porn during full moon, prohibited all other moments.
13: Mandatory to watch porn during full moon, allowed all other moments.
14: Allowed to watch porn during full moon, prohibited all other moments.
15: Completely prohibited, under any circumstance.
16: Completely prohibited except for some social classes (either high, like priests or kings, or low, like slaves), which may or may not have restrictions on the vision of pornography.

Individual Reactions:

1: Disgust
2: Moral condemnation
3: Indifference
4: Secret approval
5: Moral condemnation, but without ostracizing or unfriending the person doing it (hate the crime/deviation but not the criminal/deviant)
6: Killing the criminal
7: Capturing the criminal and letting the law enforcers kill or otherwise punish him/her.
8: Publicly accusing the criminal/deviant of his/her prohibited (or frowned upon) sexual behavior or opinion.
8: Moral condemnation + ostracizing and unfriend the person doing it, and stop any interaction, but:
8.1: Allowing other people to interact with that person. The people who interact with that criminal/deviant are not morally condemned.
8.2: Not allowing other people to interact with that person. The people who interact with that criminal/deviant are also morally condemned.

Types of individual reactions:

1: Free/spontaneous reactions (not required by the law) at a prohibited sexual behavior or opinion
2: Legally required reactions. Failure to comply may result in some sort of penalty (even death penalty, possibly).
3: Reactions required by at least one law deity. Failure to comply may result either in divine punishment and great misfortune for the individual and/or the society that individual lives in, or both divine punishment AND human law's punishment.
4: Socially required reactions. While not punished by the law, someone who fails to have the majority-approved attitude(s) towards sex, will be met with ridicule, hate, ostracism or even government-allowed violence.
5: Requirements might differ according to gender, social class, or other factors. For example, a slave or people with the lowest classes might be granted more freedom (by society and/or by the government) to have differing attitudes, or vice-versa, the people of highest classes (for example rich people, priests, members of the royal family, the prince, princess etc.) might be allowed that freedom.

Opinions of the gods and goddesses:

1: Atheist society. No opinion because there is no god or goddess at all.
2: Monotheist society. The opinion of the only deity about morality doesn't matter (or is not given at all). Humans decide morality, not God(dess).
3: Monotheist society. The opinion of the only deity about morality does matter and failure to comply results in divine punishment for the individual and/or the society that individual lives in.
4: Duotheist society. There are two gods with the same moral opinions, but their opinions don't matter.
5: Duotheist society. There are two gods with the same moral opinions, and their opinions do matter and failure to comply results in divine punishment etc.
6: Duotheist society. There are two gods with differing moral opinions, but only one of them (it's already specified whom) should be followed, because that is the good and/or powerful deity. The other deity is evil and/or weak, and therefore his/her opinions about morality don't matter and should not be followed.
7: Duotheist society. There are two gods with differing moral opinions, and which deity should be followed depends on certain variables, for example which of the two deities an individual has sworn loyalty to.
8: Polytheist society. There are multiple gods, and the vast majority of them has the same opinions about morality. There are very few gods who disagree, and the opinion of the majority of the gods should be followed. Failure to comply may result in divine punishment.
9: Polytheist society. There are multiple gods, and the vast majority of them has the same opinions about morality. There are very few gods who disagree, and that is the opinion that should be followed because those few gods are "more enlightened" than the relatively more spiritually dormient gods. Failure to comply may result in divine punishment.
10: Polytheist society. There are multiple gods, and there is no clear consensus what the general opinion about morality is. Which god(s) opinion should be followed depends on certain variables, for example which god(s) an individual has sworn loyalty to, or the god(s) can also be chosen by which opinion or attitude about sex resonates better with the mortal who holds it.
11: Pantheist society. A god that is everything, and doesn't have moral opinions about anything, and doesn't care, because caring would be a sign of imperfection.
12: Polytheist society. There are multiple gods, but none of them require mortals to hold a specific attitude towards sex, as they are indifferent or do not interfere with such affairs.