Description: a dialogue between an individualist (IND) and a collectivist (COL).
IND: "Hey COL! Would you like to see the newest movie at the cinema? I'm talking about 'Me and You 2'! I feel like it's the kind of movie that I might like. What do you think?"
COL: "What a silly idea, IND! That movie has a rating of 3.3/10! That means it really sucks! Let's watch something else!"
IND: "Do you seriously base your own opinions about things on what the majority thinks? I don't think that's a good idea! I saw the trailer of that movie and it looks like the plot is quite interesting"
COL: "Of course we base our opinions based on what the majority thinks, IND! That's what most people do. You are the minority! Most people would agree with us, not with you!"
IND: "And why should I care whether most people agree with me or with you? My opinions won't change! I'm not 'most people', anyway. I'm me"
COL: "Since most people would disagree with you, don't you think that perhaps, it's you who is in the wrong?"
IND: "Unlike you, I don't base my own opinions on what the majority thinks, so I wouldn't say so"
COL: "You're just trying to cope"
IND: "No, I don't care whether the majority agrees with me or not. I'm myself, and the majority... well, the majority is simply just an aggregate of who knows how many people. It's not even a person. Why are you trying to conform your ideas and behavior to such creepy, soul-less entity?"
COL: "We conform, because that's how we are wired to be. You are trying to go against your own nature"
IND: "And yet, this 'majority' you are trying to conform to, is not a person, is not a conscious entity, it's a blind monster who subsumes people who are too insecure to be themselves, swallowing their souls into its hive mind. You are not 'the majority', COL. No matter how hard you try to become 'the majority', you'll never be 'the majority'. For first, you are a person, the majority is an aggregate of a huge amount of people, and, I would dare to say, an influential force for most"
COL: "We are a person? How silly you are, IND! We are many people! We ARE the majority! And you, individualists, are the minority!"
IND: "When I said 'you are a person', I meant the singular you, not the plural you. Such quirk of the English language, isn't it"
COL: "Singular you? See, IND, we have never understood what the word 'I' meant. We have been thinking about it for thousands of years, and we never reached any conclusion. We really don't understand how you individualists think. It's like our mind is different from yours"
IND: "Indeed. From my point of view, this dialogue is between 'me IND and you COL'. Perhaps, for you, this dialogue is between 'us collectivists and you individualists'. You are proud of things someone else, but not you, has done. Likewise, you will hate someone for things someone else, but not he or she, has done. You love who and what the majority loves, you hate who and what the majority hates, you do what the majority does and you refuse to do what the majority doesn't do. I don't envy you at all"
COL: "We do not understand what you're trying to tell us. And we don't care. Enjoy watching that awful 3.3/10 rated movie, while we enjoy the best things life has to offer. Now, excuse us, but we're going to watch a movie at the cinema. The movie has 9.0/10 rating, that means it's gonna be amazing~farewell!"