Gassy Rancidness: Chapter ZERO

(Context: this was supposed to be the start of the "Antithesis Arc" (with Gassy Rancidness being the antithesis of Chemical Bitterness). I took it down from DeviantArt a few hours later, because it was feeling a little weird to post stuff again on my DeviantArt profile after I said I would had stopped. In any case, to those who want to read it, it's available to read here.)


Suuup~been a while, uh? This story is set nowhere in particular (UNDEFINED TOWN), at no time in particular, starting with this epic dialogue:

"Yo, babe, it's time to go to sleep, hehe~", said Shinobu to her boyfriend Amir.

"Hmm... yeah, you're right!", he replied, smiling and lying down on the bed, getting comfortable under the blanket. Shinobu giggled and snuggled close to Amir, both being covered by the same blanket.

"Wait a sec... I think you'd rather be awake for a little longer, right?", Shinobu told him, grinning.

"Oh yeah honey let's chat until we have asleep!", Amir said, enjoying the comfort of cuddling with his girlfriend.

"Sounds like a great idea, sweetie!", she said while kissing him...


"Excuse me, hehe~", she giggled after letting a huge fart rip under the blankets, "you better not move the blanket or the stink is gonna melt your face~"

"I trust you, cutie pie!", Amir said, grinning and enjoying cuddling with Shinobu.

"Whoa there, you're moving too much, be careful or...", Shinobu tried to warn him, and the stench that was trapped under the blanket hit him with its full stench and bahaha, he started gagging! And by the way, it's by no means the first time that happened, the two live together and always sleep together. Shinobu is quite the gassy gal, she lets it rip all the time under the blankets and honestly everywhere else. Amir knows very well how rancid Shinobu's gas is, and considers it as a test for his endurance, a challenge for his nose, even though he often has to run to the bathroom to puke when he smells one of his girlfriend's noxious ass blasts. For dinner she didn't eat anything particularly gas-inducing, her farts stink no matter what she eats... though there are foods that make her farts even smellier, which Amir considers both scary and impressive. After some time the two fell asleep together, and you can bet Shinobu farted in her sleep more than once. Some nights her farts are so smelly that Amir has to sleep on the couch because the room turns into a biohazard.

The morning later, at 9:27 A.M. Shinobu asked him if he wanted to play some tabletop games with her.

"Nah, that shit is boring...", he said, unamused.

"Oh, come on! What do you wanna do instead?", Shinobu asked, wanting to spend some time with her boyfriend Amir.

"I wanna eat breakfast!", he said, feeling a little bit hungry.

"Sounds great! Let's go!", Shinobu said, going to the kitchen while still wearing her pajamas.

Amir cooked a pizza for himself, "hey Shinobu-chan, do you want some?", he asked, grinning.

"Sure, sure!", she replied, with a bright smile on her face, when suddenly she got an idea, "hey Amir, I can eat some beans for breakfast, my farts will be toxic, I can assure you!", she was really proud of herself when she said that, she was definitely bragging. She turned on the fire on her kitchen, placed a pan on it and started baking those beaaans!!!

"I'm not afraid! Like for real, I'm not!", Amir said, he was bragging too, though he himself was not actually so confident that he'd be able to deal with the smell. Shinobu's farts after she eats beans are... something else. Even when she doesn't eat gas inducing foods, her farts are not easy to inhale without at least flinching, but when she ate beans, whew, Shinobu was the queen of letting out deadly stench clouds from her ass, and even as time went by, Amir struggled to handle the smell of Shinobu's normal farts. He thought he could get used to them, but they smelled so bad it seemed just impossible!

Shinobu was having so much fun thinking that Amir will smell her bean-powered farts, "not even if I fart on your face? Or are you scared of THAT?", she asked, winking. Amir gulped, she knew a bean-powered fart from Shinobu at point-blank range would knock him out quickly, and make him feel like he was dying inside, but Shinobu couldn't wait to let it rip right up his nostrils, she couldn't contain herself, they both knew that if she did fart on him after eating beans, he wouldn't stand the chance against the putridity. Her gas will be too smelly and linger for too long, he won't be able to survive it. But... his pride wouldn't let him admit it!

"I'm not scared of that! Facefarting session later? Ha!", Amir boasted, trying to look and sound confident and tough.

"What about now? Fufu~", Shinobu looked at him with a mischievous grin and sat on his face, her ass pressed comfortably in the right position to pump her toots down his nostrils.


She sat on him for more than 30 minutes waiting for the gas to come out, she was really excited and he... well, he was scared of what stench will come out of her ass!

"Are you sure you don't want to chicken out? You still have the chance!", Shinobu said, laughing and feeling superior.

"Do you really think I'm so weak? No way I'd give up on this challenge! Bring it in as soon as you're ready!", Amir said, despite his worry about how bad it'll smell.

"You're in luck then, I gotta fart right now~", Shinobu said, giggling mischievously.

Amir trembled slightly and prepared for the worst.

Her stomach started grumbling and... *PPPBBBRRAAAPPPTTTSSSFFF*

"Oh phew, that was fun~we can do some many things in life, and facefarting is one of the best~", she remarked, happily.

Amir sniffed and... "UGH! It stinks!!!", he got fidgety and restless under her ass and no, she wasn't smothering him, the two were not into that, no, no, nah, it was just because of the smell! His eyes started watering and got a little nauseous, he wanted to prove Shinobu that he could handle her farts after eating beans but no... that fart wasn't just melting his face, it was sublimating it! "It's burning my lungs...", he said, starting to gag, "I give up!!!", he says, and Shinobu started laughing like a maniac and got off his face as he requested. Amir got up and kept gagging, the stench was lingering in the air and his throat. The air in the 'fallout zone' was pretty much uninhabitable, and Amir quickly rushed to the bathroom and actually threw up, while Shinobu kept laughing maniacally and feeling oh so proud of her gassy talent!

"We found a nice thing to do, after all!", she said, still laughing, "isn't it nice? Fufu~"

"Your gas... is nothing like the one other people let out!", Amir complained, still gagging and his eyes watering from the stench that was lingering inside his nose.

"Oh, come on, there are surely other people with farts smellier than mine~", she said, humble bragging, "I wanted to spare you, but you said you could handle it!", she said, shrugging but smiling mischievously.

"I did say that! It's not just the smell... it's how damn long it lingers in the air!", he complained, trying to figure out in his mind a way he could win his own 'fart endurance challenge'.

"It definitely does~the smell doesn't last forever though, shall we go back to the kitchen in 10 minutes, or will you complain that it still reeks?~", she asked, teasing him.

"Ah, I don't know. That fart you did made me want to take my nose off my face and throw it away!", he said, shuddering at the thought.

Shinobu laughed, and asked: "Well then, will you go back to the kitchen in 20 minutes? Or will it still be too stinky?~"

Amir shuddered and said: "Let's give it 30 minutes, it's a biozard in there!". Shinobu laughed and nodded, she was so proud of stinking up rooms!

"Oh but it's so funny when a room reeks of my gas! I don't want the smell to fade away! Try walking to the kitchen to the stop where I farted and tell me if it still stinks~", she said, with a teasing smile and puppy eyes.

"No way! I'm gonna die!", Amir said, still shuddering.

"Oohh, what a coward, you can't handle my gas, tee-hee~", Shinobu said, cutely sticking her tongue out and teasing him.

"I'm not a coward!", Amir protested.

"Then prove it~", Shinobu said, smirking.

"Alright alright...", Amir took a deep breath and started walking towards the kitchen.

"Remember Amir, walk to the spot where I farted, I want you to be in the gas cloud~", Shinobu said, so excited to see Amir's reaction, she knew very well the stench was still lingering since only a few minutes had passed since she farted, and her bean-powered gas has a tremendous staying power!

Amir walked into the lingering fart cloud and he immediately covered his nose and mouth with his hands - "OH MY GOD, IT'S FOUL!!!" - he shouted, he tried to stay right there in the gas cloud and was fanning the air way frantically but the stench was very stubborn and persistent! Shinobu laughed like there was no tomorrow, she started feeling a tummy ache from all that laugher.

"HAHAHA!!! This is so funny... I gotta fart again!" - *PBRPBRPBRTTTSSSFFF* - hmm... it was rumbly, very, very smelly, she let it rip right between the exit of the kitchen and the hallway, and now Amir had no choice but to walk in her fart zone to escape her previous fart cloud. There was no escape! "Phew, it's potent, hahaha!!!", she said, complimenting her own fart, even though she herself was grossed out by it, it was so stinky she walked away from the hallway and went outdoors to the garden, but from a position where she could still see Amir and laugh at his reactions. She stunk up the entire kitchen and the entire hallway by that point! As Amir could no longer tolerate the stench, he started walking away from the original fart cloud only to discover that the exit of the kitchen and the hallway stunk even worse since the fart was more 'fresh', and he gagged dramatically as soon as he took a deep breath of the air close to the exit of the kitchen. He felt like he was choking and dying, and Shinobu felt the same way... but from the laughter! Amir walked in front of Shinobu who was in the garden and looked at her almost as if he was half-dead from the stench.

"Alright, alright, I get it! You don't want to smell my gas anymore, so I'll stop farting around you!", Shinobu said, grinning, "well, maybe... it's not like I can control it, you know~", she said, with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Let's stay outside or you'll stink up the entire house!", Amir said, impressed by how powerful Shinobu's farts were. No wonder, she ate beans!

The two began to kiss each other, their lips were touching each other, and then they wanted something more intense... their tongues began to touch each other's, mmmhhh... what an exciting and lovely moment between two people who love each other! 3 minutes later they were completely satisfied by the kiss.

"Wow, that was amazing!", Shinobu said, "kissing releases the same chemicals as cocaine!", she blurted out randomly.

"What?", Amir said, confused by Shinobu's randomness.

"Oh, nothing, forget about it! It's something I have read on a romantic novel I had read when I was a teenager!", Shinobu said, with an awkward smile.

Amir laughed. "I think the author just made it up!", he said, still laughing, amused.

Shinobu agreed, it was really funny!

"What a great time we're having! We'll never get bored when we're together!", Amir said, smiling happily.

"You're definitely wrong about it, Amir! Remember that movie we watched last night?", Shinobu said, pouting.

Amir bursted out into laughter. "Oh, don't remind me! That movie was awful! I was getting bored to death!", both he and Shinobu laughed.

Shinobu was hoping she'd get to fart on Amir's face again, or even just around him. 'Hmm... what shall I do? Ask him directly? Or indirectly? I'm so mischievous fufufu...', Shinobu thought to herself. The two were spending time outside together in the garden, but usually stayed inside their home (when Shinobu doesn't make the whole building stink). Even though the two were outdoors, when Shinobu farted Amir had to take a few steps away from her because her flatulence was just that smelly!

"Ready for lunch?", Shinobu said at some point, "hours have passed, the house is definitely safe!", she said, laughing, though she'd had found it hilarious if her farts lingered for weeks like the smell of skunk spray.

"Yeah, let's go!", Amir said, going inside the house. It was definitely safe, as Shinobu said, the smell completely dissipated.

"Say, Amir, what'd you think if I eat beans again?", she asked, with a wide grin on her face.

"I'll give you 100 G if you can endure the smell of my farts! But you have to take them on your face, and you can't get away!"

'100 G?', thought Amir, 'I'd love that'... "Alright, sweetie, let's do this!", Amir said, 'maybe I can handle it... there must be a way... some breathing technique... or something... I'll find out!', he thought, confident that there was a way to get used to Shinobu's post-bean farts, despite how awful they smelled.

In order to make her farts even smellier, she added some broccoli to the beans, even though she didn't like broccoli that much, she found them a bit bitter. However, it was a good food to eat to have horrid toots. Amir ate some more pizza, he loved it, and then he ate some apples!

"Bleh, these broccoli taste bitter... but they're not that bad, plus they're good at making me even gassier!", Shinobu said, really looking forward to fart on Amir's face again. Now that 100G were the prize for Amir winning the challenge, they were both hoping he'd last a little longer sniffing her gas, though Shinobu hoped to hear him gag and suffer for as long as possible as she loved those reactions and made her feel a little wet!

"You're so gassy, Shinobu... it's honestly impressive how smelly your farts are...", Amir said, genuinely complimenting her.

"Aww, thanks, Amir... nyaaa~", she said, moving her hands like a cat girl.

The two kissed each other on their lips for about 30 seconds, then let go and Shinobu said "Fufu, we're gonna have fun, Amir! This is the best thing we've ever thought of, oh, I could do this all day every day if it was possible! Let's go to our room, ara~", she said with a seductive tone, walking towards their bedroom and Amir started following her as well. Before opening the door, Shinobu said "there's no way you can handle my farts after I eat beans and broccoli, but I'd love to see you try, and fail~", she said, giggling. Then, Shinobu opened the door and the two went into their room. "You'll see it's an awful idea to challenge my ass~", she said, chuckling.

Amir began lying down on the bed, wondering if he could really survive the smell (he knew he couldn't), and Shinobu sat on his face, ready to fart as soon as she was ready. She was really excited for that, and Amir was a little worried it would reek like hell like he did before, he wasn't so sure he was as confident as before.

"Hey Amir, would you rather lie down in a bed full of heated thorns... or being farted on by me?", asked Shinobu, almost laughing.

"Well... that's actually a difficult question, Shinobu, I have no idea! Your farts are no joke!", said Amir, impressed by Shinobu's gassiness but after all, that's something that made him love her even more! Shinobu laughed at his answer, she knew he was totally right!

"Would you rather spend one year in prison... or one year of having to smell at least two of my farts every day?", Shinobu asked, giggling and having so much fun asking these questions to Amir while waiting to have a fart ready to blast his face with.

"Ugh, that's a tough one!", he said, imagining the two scenarios.

"Oh, come on, you're no fun, choose one!", said Shinobu, curious about his answer.

"Maybe having to smell at least two of your farts every day for a year... but that's very, very close!", he said, and Shinobu laughed enthusiastically.

"Would you rather let someone violently remove your nose hair, or having me fart on your nose... once, but after I eat beans!", Shinobu asked, curious.

"Definitely letting someone violently remove my nose hair! Your farts persist longer than that pain, ugh!", Amir said, still remembering how toxic her farts were earlier that day after she ate those damn beans! Of course, his answer amused Shinobu a lot!

"Would you rather swim in a beach full of sharks, or having me fart on your face for two hours... after I eat beans, of course!", Shinobu asked, having lots and lots of fun asking Amir these 'would you rather' questions.

"Well, this is a tough one... a beach full of sharks has a certain probability of danger, while being farted on by you after you eat beans - that's dangerous for sure, 100%. Though, if swimming in a beach full of sharks goes wrong... it can go very wrong! But overall I'd rather swim in a beach full of sharks, honest!", Amir said, confident in his reasoning. Shinobu laughed really amused.

"Would you rather eat 10 ice creams in a row or smell 10 of my farts in a day?", Shinobu asked.

"Eat 10 ice creams", Amir replied.

"Would you rather be a mainstream Pop singer or smell my farts?", Shinobu asked.

"What a question, be a mainstream Pop singer! No offense Shinobu but I'm getting a little bored of these questions...", he said, although he was having lots of fun answering them earlier.

"Alright, alright. And by the way I gotta fart now, so you're in luck! Nnngggh~"


The stench hit Amir's face like a truck... or perhaps, like a spaceship travelling full speed, Shinobu could feel her gas burning her ass and Amir... well, he could feel her gas corroding his face like an acid! "GAH! It's deadly... ggghhh...", he was gagging and choking, and immediately tapped out. He went to the bathroom to throw up again.

"Aww, you lost! No 100G for you~", Shinobu said, teasing him, "phew, our bedroom reeks now, I'll open the windows, hehe~", she said, giggling and opening the windows and getting out of the bedroom since those farts were so terrible that even she had trouble standing them.

As Amir ran outdoors to breathe some fresh air, hoping to get the eggy stench out of his nostrils, Shinobu ran towards him, giggling, and said "Hey Amir, if you're feeling brave enough, we could try this challenge again sometimes~"